Transmission of Light: Zen in the Art of Enlightenment by Zen Master Keizan

By Unknown Author.

Transmission of Light: Zen in the Art of Enlightenment by Zen Master Keizan


A translation of the classic Denkoroku by one of the premier translators of Buddhist and Taoist texts illustrates how to arrive at the epiphanic Zen awakening known as satori. The essential initiatory experience of Zen, satori is believed to open up the direct perception of things as they are. "Even if you sit until your seat breaks through, even if you persevere mindless of fatigue, even if you are a person of lofty deeds and pure behavior, if you haven't reached this realm of satori, you still can't get out of the prison of the world." Deliberately cultivated and emplo...


1570629498, 9781570629495


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